Hello, I’m Stephanie Buckwalter and I’m on a mission to help special needs parents improve their family’s quality of life. I know first hand how challenging and heart-breaking the process of raising a special needs child can be. I succumbed to the pressure and lived at the bottom of a pit for several years.
There was no sustained help forthcoming from family, friends or the church. I withdrew from any meaningful interactions with people, all the while trying to figure out how to help my daughter. I finally came out of that mode when we changed churches. All it took was one person showing kindness to me and my daughter and the burden began to lift.
I want to be that person for you. I care about you and your child. Even though you may feel extremely isolated, I want you to know that you are not alone. There is hope. There is a God who loves you and wants to walk beside you. He often shows that love through His people. You have found one of His people.
I have learned a lot in this special needs journey and want to share it with those who are in need. The emotions run so deep and the learning curve is so steep that it drives most people into survival mode. That is not a fun place to be and certainly not a viable long-term mode of operation.
There are ways to get out of survival mode and begin to flourish. Things that can really change your quality of life are:
- The 3 Ns: Nurture, Nutrition and Neurological Organization After many years of research, I analyzed who was having success in helping their children. It usually came down to one (or more) of these three areas.
- The 3 Circles of Purpose: Independence, Productivity and Social Connection After considering my daughter’s future and her purpose in life, I found the answers in chapter 2 of Genesis.
- Home Organization: Record keeping for medical, insurance and school is important now and for access to programs later, especially if your child requires guardianship. Home management tools will help you keep your home running smoothly so you can you focus on whatever the day brings or whomever needs you the most.
- Self Care: Taking time to care for yourself will keep you from becoming bitter, discouraged or both. Without self care, every relationship suffers.
None of these things is easy to manage with a special needs child in the mix but with the right tools and a little support, you will be amazed at what you can do and the difference it can make for everyone involved. My motto is:
Some day, heaven. But until then…