Work With Me

I am a professional writer and researcher with over 30 years experience. I am a veteran homeschool mom with over 15 years experience homeschooling special needs, struggling learners, gifted and neurotypical students. All services are professional quality and documents are well organized. My deepest desire is to help you move forward and help your child be the best version of themselves. I recognize that each family is different and each child is unique so my services are tailored to each individual. To work with me, it’s as easy as 1, 2, 3.

  1. To place an order, click on the Add to Cart button for the service you want. You will be taken to the check out page.
  2. Click on the Checkout with PayPal button on the lower left of the cart to finish your transaction and pay.
  3. Once you have paid, you will be directed to a form where you can provide details for your request.


Are you worn out from all the research needed to help your child? I provide high quality research that goes well beyond using regular search engines. For each hour of research I deliver a minimum of 10 quality links with short summaries of the info provided on the topic(s) of your choosing related to special needs.


Package includes two hours of consultation on any topic(s) of your choosing related to special needs. I typically do two 1-hour consultations a few weeks apart. During the initial consult, we will pinpoint problems and come up with a plan of action. The second consult is to follow up and fine tune your plan.
($97 for 2 hours)

Home Education Plan

Need help developing a homeschool special education plan for your child? I can help. You will gain free access to my course on Creating Your Special Needs Child’s Student Education Plan. As you work through each part of the course, I will help you find and choose curriculum and activities to fit your child’s needs. Within weeks you will have a complete education plan for this school year plus the foundation for all years going forward.

Stephanie Buckwalter

Researcher, Writer, Special Needs Consultant

Stephanie provides high quality, professional research on a variety of topics. She consults with special needs families to help them meet their goals by answering questions and pointing them to resources.

As a professional writer and researcher with over 30 years experience, she produces well organized and easy to read content. She has done extensive research for over a decade in the areas of neurological function of the brain, biomedical approaches to helping special needs children, alternative therapies and apraxia

Stephanie is a veteran homeschool mom with over 15 years experience homeschooling special needs, struggling learners, gifted and neuro-typical students. And those are only her kids! She has also taught classes in person and online for homeschoolers in the areas of Computer Science, P.E. and Remedial Spelling.

As an active participant in the homeschool community, she helped start up a classical education co-op that is still going today and a robotics club for homeschoolers, and volunteers with her state homeschool organization to answer questions for families who are homeschooling special needs. She continues to teach her special needs daughter both academics and life skills.